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Think like a CFO: How recruitment marketers can get the greenlight

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Alexandra Cianciara
by Alexandra Cianciara

In recruitment marketing, staying ahead of the curve with the latest tools and tactics is essential for sustained growth and competitiveness. As new technologies and trends emerge every day, agencies must be proactive in adopting them to enhance their digital presence, attract top talent, and drive meaningful engagement.

Failing to do so risks missing valuable opportunities and losing ground to competitors who might be quicker to innovate. By embracing cutting-edge strategies and tools, agencies can capture market opportunities and remain agile in a rapidly evolving landscape.

According to the UK’s leading recruitment agency, Get Recruited, having the right tools like AI, advanced analytics, automated outreach, and smart chatbots can give you a competitive edge in the market. But the real challenge is getting internal buy-in to invest in these tools. Securing CFO approval can be one of the toughest steps as you need to prove financial value and ROI to get that green light.

As Allie Lawson, Marketing Director at Access Recruitment, puts it:

“Securing buy-in for investment can be tough in any marketing role. Many of my peers in recruitment marketing spend too much time proving ‘impact’—it’s a lot harder without the broad media mix of larger B2B companies.”

The solution? Building a business case that speaks their language. We’ve outlined practical steps you need to get buy in and make it happen.

What’s on the CFO’s mind? 

CFOs make decisions based on specific priorities:

  • ROI: They want to know exactly how this investment boosts the bottom line.

  • Strategic fit: How this investment aligns with the company’s overall goals.

  • Risk management: What are the potential risks, and how are they mitigated?

For example, We Are Aspire leveraged Volcanic’s reporting tools to measure the impact of their content:

Now, when I sit with my direct reports, I can say, ‘This blog generated this much revenue.’ It’s proof of our efforts that my boss loves,” shares a marketing manager at We Are Aspire.

How to tackle CFO concerns head-on

When pitching, CFOs often have specific concerns. Here’s how to address them:

  • Justify the cost: Show how the investment will lead to cost savings or revenue generation and provide detailed financial forecasts to illustrate expected ROI.

  • Plan the implementation: Map out a clear timeline, resource needs, and potential hurdles.

  • Measure success: Define success with hard metrics and use data to back up your projections.

Make the CFO your ally

Involve the CFO early in the process to understand their concerns and priorities. Building a strong relationship through regular check-ins helps align goals and fosters trust. Establishing finance as your ally from the start ensures mutual understanding of marketing metrics and ROI expectations, which is crucial for long-term success.

Tell a story they can’t ignore 

Your business case should be more than a pitch, it’s a story. Align your Martech investment with your broader business strategy, showing how it will drive growth, efficiency, and a competitive advantage. It’s also important to address how the investment aligns with current market trends and company objectives.

Bring the proof

Support your proposal with robust evidence:

  • Case studies: Show how similar investments paid off. For example, Volcanic has helped clients secure CFO approval by showcasing clear value through comprehensive reporting and data analysis.

  • Data-driven insights: Back your claims with data that highlights potential improvements in SEO, conversions, and job applications.

Learn from the wins 

For Volcanic customer Hedley Scott, investing in the right tools meant real-time ROI measurement and continuous growth.

Since moving to Volcanic’s platform, we’ve seen a 95% increase in website users and a 105% increase in page views in 2021 alone,” says Hedley Scott’s Director. “And in 2022, we’re already tracking a 36% increase in users over the same period last year. The growth is steady, and applications are trending upward.”

Use these success stories as a blueprint for your own proposal.

The bottom line 

Securing CFO buy-in for Martech investments isn’t just about numbers, it’s about understanding their priorities, addressing their concerns, and providing a compelling, data-driven narrative. By adopting a strategic approach, you can significantly increase your chances of success. 

Leveraging tools like Volcanic can strengthen your proposal through powerful reporting and analytics to back your case. With a clear plan and persuasive evidence, you can drive your recruitment efforts to the next level. 

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